
Urban transformation simulation and measurement

Creation of background study information and the current situation in the provinces of Santo Domingo and San Pedro de Macorís

República Dominicana | 2014

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L'objectiu general de la proposta és atendre les necessitats de SHEARL i INVESTMENT, INC, (Vicini TBR), desenvolupant un conjunt d'estudis relatius a l'avaluació econòmica d'una sèrie de terrenys a la República Dominicana.


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Urban parameters from homogeneous urban pattern areas of Barcelona

Ajuntament de Barcalona | Barcelona | 2009

The object of the study is to create a geographic information system that allows information on the island or neighborhood level of the characteristics of the city's pattern from the point of view of the urban parameters that the They define the buildings, the occupation of buildings, the proportion of the different systems, the density of housing, among others.

The methodology used is based on the methods and procedures that have been used to measure the differences in the distribution of socio-residential characteristics of cities in the studies of social sciences, geography, sociology and urban economics. It has consisted in the design and structuring of a Geographic Information System that allows easy and organized access to the information related to the islands and the pattern of all the areas of homogeneous pattern.
