
Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona

The Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona (curriculum information) enables the professional practice of architecture and has as main objective to provide complementary and advanced knowledge to the Teachings received in the degree in Architecture Studies, deepening the project, technology and urbanism, and providing a solid and multidisciplinary training in this discipline.

The laboratory collaborates in the Master studies: 



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The definition of processes to explore and show the different factors that converge in an environment, their spatial relationships, and an integrative reading of many components that result in an important qualitative improvement that allows to combine elements and synthesize contents through the exploration of bases of urban information in digital format and computer applications based on conventional GIS Desktop Mapping

On this knowledge base, recent development lines and lines of research are discussed, as well as research projects and doctoral theses in subject, in order to offer attractive possibilities for development in the field of architecture and urban study.

Main concepts, components and functionalities of the technologies related to geometric modeling, creation of virtual models, treatment of images and the incorporation of animation resources and interactive navigation, as well as practical cases to facilitate their full understanding.

Basic concepts and technological components of high precision devices such as the Terrestrial Laser Scanner, referencing and geo-positioning systems on GIS and mass generation methods of three-dimensional models.

For the study of the territorial scale will be introduced the concepts and advanced techniques of Remote Sansing, the methods and processes of study adapted for the identification and visualization of the transformation of the territory.

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This subject shows current issues in the project of the metropolitan city from a perspective of the environment and architectural technology. Through debates, exposing avant-garde actions and projects linked to different areas of knowledge, it serves to reflect on the complexity of several environmental and technological approaches to the urban project and architecture, and the answers given in this master's degree.