
Degree in Architecture Studies

From the VIMAC we aim to bring the technologies and methodologies developed to students, that is why we collaborate in different subjects of the Degree in Architecture Studies (curriculum information).

  The laboratory collaborates in the Degree studies:


VIMAC's member



Guia docente 



· Present and provide references of the study potential and knowledge of the city that incorporate computer technologies and GIS.

· Provide the basic concepts of urban structure, criteria and work procedures fundamental for its synthetic visualization, through the exploration of urban information bases in digital format and computer applications based on conventional GIS Desktop Mapping (PC).

· Identify the types of information, content, georeferential level, adaptation to the study of the backbone elements of urban reality: predominant uses, activities, density and quality of construction.

· Impact on the improvements and benefits that the computerized treatment of the extensive urban information with GIS, facilitates the professional performance in the field of urban planning, local and urban management.

· Start students in the development of new urban information content and the realization of maps or synthetic models of urban configuration analysis.

· Promote the formulation of proposals by students of the application of GIS in their fields of professional activity as architects.

VIMAC's member

ADRIÀ MARCO BERCERO (assistant teacher)


Guia docent 



· Achievement of the necessary knowledge of the phases of construction processes of the building from the initial idea to the preparation of the necessary documentation for the construction and operation of the building.

· Assume the necessary solvency for the presentation of the results obtained in the elaboration of the graphic and alphanumeric documentation of the architectural project.

· Know the parameters of the environment that influence the energy efficiency of buildings from the tools that make it possible to analyze the characteristics necessary for sustainability.

· Learn to use the computer graphics resources necessary for the preparation of the technical documentation of architectural construction processes.

· Have the ability to plan a teamwork and collaborate in its resolution and discussion.