
Summary of the residential growth potential according to the state of the soil and the building in Mataró

The scope of study of this work includes the municipality as a whole focusing the analysis in residential areas, as well as the new development sectors of the city. In order to recognize the characteristics of the built park, it has been studied how residential use is distributed in the built fabric of the municipality, basically, from the Cadastre database.



In a first study of the park built using cadastral data, it is observed that the residential areas cover almost all areas classified as residential by the current Planning, except for some that belong to the unconsolidated urban land, within Sectors and Units of Action in execution or pending developmental.

The urban qualification, both of the General Planning and of the Sectors, perfectly delimits the areas where the residential potential can be developed and consolidated (specifying the sectors that provide for protected housing), being subject to the specific volume of management.

The Sectors and Planning Action Units that include residential roofs (in total 11 sectors in execution and 30 sectors pending development), provide for a total potential of 564,117 m² of residential roof, with only 10% materialized (September 2012) , and 5,281 homes, of which 1,341 are protected.

A second study of the licenses of major works allows to obtain the pattern of the transformations that have taken place in the city in the last 12 years and to quantify the changes of the profile of the residential building that is taking place in the various fields. The starting point is the registration of the work licenses provided by the City of Mataró, corresponding to the files processed between 2000 and 2012.




Based on the distribution of the New Construction licenses, it is observed that the largest volume is located in the areas with the oldest built park. Thus, 14% of licenses are concentrated in areas with an average year of construction before 1960, 23% are in areas between 1960 and 1970, and 36% are in areas of more than 30 years, between 1970 and 1980 . Therefore, almost 75% of licenses are in more or less aged areas. Only 8% have been granted in areas with the building after the year 2000, basically these are newly developed sectors.

In order to identify the plots with housing potential within the consolidated urban land and quantify the new roof built, the different types of transformations that can generate potential in the consolidated urban land, such as:

    • empty lots (Building)
    • Obsolete buildings that are subject to renovation (Substitution)
    • Under-plot plots according to planning planning that allow ski lifts (Colmatation)
    • Subdensified plots that would admit the division of their homes (Densification)
    • non-residential buildings where planning dictates that there must be housing (Residencialització)
    • solar in consolidation phase, such as those that have been left with works pending (Completion)



In a third section, we refer to the sectors in transformation, in the case of those who develop new growth or are in the "urban" consolidation process. Three cases are studied:

    • Consolidated Urban Land
    • New growth sectors of a Partial Plan
    • Special Urban Plans