Scan to BIM
Jesuïtes Lleida School
Privat | Raïmat | July 2021
An 18,000 m² building has been surveyed using *TLS technology, which has enabled BIM modelling (LOD100) of the entire building as a basis for the subsequent refurbishment.
Architectural survey of an old house in Horta. From point cloud to BIM for vector plans.
Privado | Barcelona | February 2019
Architectural study project with the aim of having the plans of a listed house. This project took from the scanning process to making a 3D BIM model to the final vector plans.
Elevation of the old military hospital in Valencia. Currently Manuela Solís Claràs
UTE Mislata | València | December 2018
A BIM point cloud-based survey of a set of pavilions of the future refurbished Manuela Solís claras Hospital in Valencia. The building was an old military hospital where a BIM model of the current state was required to carry out a refurbishment.