Habitat and time for coexistence
Ajuntament de Barcelona | Barcelona | 2013
In the last few years, local governments have progressively incorporated social time in the management of cities to try to improve the organization of time in everyday life and, in particular, in the quality of life and well-being of people. This volume focuses on the city and, in particular, on how public space actively and often decisively participates in shaping social practices.
Based on the results obtained in a project to evaluate urban policies for the socio-spatial integration of the newcomer population, the authors analyze two spaces in the Eixample and Nou Barris neighborhoods in order to illustrate the importance of urban space for coexistence. They offer clues on the various lines of action, based on the evidence that the life that takes place in neighborhoods - especially in everyday spaces - depends largely on their morphological characteristics, the time of use and the way in which activities are articulated in their daily functioning.