
Barcino3D News

Jun 05, 2019

Compilation of the impact on the media for the publication of the APP Barcino3D

Taking advantage that Barcino3D application has been updated for iOS devices (mobile and tablet versions), we had compiled the impact about the publication of the APP:


National Geographic 

"Un recorrido virtual por la Barcelona romana", 



El País

"Passejant entre romans per Barcino",



La Vanguardia

"Una aplicación para tabletas ofrece una recreación de la Barcino del siglo III",




"Neix l’aplicació Bàrcino 3D per difondre la història de la ciutat romana",



El Mundo

"Un paseo por Barcino",



Barcelona Cultura

Nace Barcino 3D: una aplicación para viajar, pasear y volar por la Barcelona romana,


We take this opportunity to encourage you to download the Barcino3D application from the APP Store (for iOS) or PlayStore (for Android), looking for "Barcino 3D lite". Or you can also download the PC version on the web of the Archeology Service of Barcelona: